Honor Roll


“They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them.”




Albertson Dale W
Bass Robert D
Brown Edwin C

Busk Alman F
Feeney Thomas C
Homan Eugene S

McKuen John S
Perrine Sam H
Polykoff Benjamin

Rafelson Robert J
Robinson William S
Sedam Elmer M

Sorensen Howard D
Wilson Harry C Jr
Wolston Kenneth C



Conrad Howard N

Ridgway Lawrence O

Smith William D

Smock Loren W

Gardner Onward L



Brennan Francis A
Dean Leslie G

Egan Frank F
Fuesser Carl H

Henry James O
Jackman Gordon

Markin William D
Pyatt Charles K




Empfield Raymond G
Fisher Anton J
Gaffin Charles R

Gallaway James H
Keith Robert L

Queen Billy S
Reiber Robert W

Sanders Edward
Santirocco Giuseppe

Solomon Leo A
Towsend Richard T



Cesczynski Harry W

Gibbons John E

Mount Everette A




Adkins Jesse E
Allenberg Edward M
Allman Harold M
Allord Edward W
Almond Herman U
Anderson Darrel L
Anderson Marvin O
Apitz Harold A
Ash Ralph A
Atkisson Joseph F
Atwell Willie D
Austin James E
Baird William D
Baker Earl E
Baker Melvin L
Barnum Roy A
Barrett John W Jr
Bartlett Raymond E
Baxter Harry O
Baxter Thomas Q
Beadle Francis E
Bedra Edward Jr
Belcher Garland L
Belknap William T
Bennett Howard E
Benoit Alvoid J
Benson Edward J Jr
Berg Arthur L
Berger Carl J
Besozzi Reno
Black Robert H
Blackburn William W Jr
Blair Erwin H
Blumberg Robert A
Boliek Richard L
Borders Herman
Bowman Buefird T
Bradshaw Fred Jr
Breland Kernis R
Brewer Granville H
Brewer J. D.
Brigandi Frank
Brown George H
Browne James
Bryant Ammon R
Bryant Harold M
Burd John R
Burks William M Jr
Burnett Monroe
Burnhelm Carl R
Cade Francis W
Carey Richard V
Carland Joseph E
Carns George R
Carpenter Stanley W
Carrick George Jr
Carroll Hugh J
Carter Travis E
Casey Robert W
Cataldo Rocco A
Chenault David F Jr
Clark Harold E
Clark Leland W
Clary Charles E
Claypool Kermit M
Collins Edward
Collins George D
Collins Richard A
Colvett William L
Colville David P
Comber Joseph A
Conley Lawrence J
Connolly John Jr
Cork Bob V
Counseller Jean E
Cousino Robert H
Cox Cary D
Cox Leon
Crawford Glen R
Creekmore Albert G
Cross Jesse T
Crowe Gwen H
Cwiklik Michael A
Dailey Francis J
Damico Francis X
Daves Robert O
Davis Donald B
Davis Seborn E
Decker Frank
Denny Glen L

Densock Robert E
Di Cicco Theodore
Dillon Robert C
Dixon Johnny M
Downing Orleen S
Downing Roger H
Dreher Edward P
Drennan Howard G
Drumm Edmond G
Drzazgowski Frank A
Durfee William P
Durnell Richard E
Dutcher Roy B
Easterday Roger E
Edwards Clayton D
Ellico Jesse R Jr
Ellis James G
Ellis John P
Elson Calvin
Engelbretson Roy
Enlow John W
Ennis Thomas L
Eppinger Robert H
Erxleben John E
Escarela Joe J
Eskra Victor
Espinoza Nino J
Evans Robert E
Evaristo Manuel M
Felch Harold E Jr
Fields Oran R
Fierst Lawrence A
Finer Morris L
Fischel Bernard
Fitch Ferris H
Fitch Howard L
Ford Lyle R
Fort Jack W
Forte Italo S
Francis Edward R
Freeman Edward W
Frey Henry J
Fritsch Russell H
Fugate Thomas R
Fullerton Thomas F
Gaddy Robert J
Gair John J
Galliani Robert
Gardner Raymond C
Garrett Elbert D
George Lloyd A
Geroni Daniel
Gillaspey Winton E
Gilliam John D
Gist Lloyd
Gochee Peter F Jr
Goedert William C
Gordan Ellsworth L
Goudeau Joseph L
Graf Donald W
Green Eugene D
Greenwood Ralph J
Griles Joseph D
Grundman Kenneth R
Gustafson Glenn
Gutzwiller Raymond A
Hacker Robert G
Haendiges Henry E
Hamrick Harvey D
Hand Jack
Hanlon Benton
Hansing John F
Harboy John Jr
Harman Talmage E Jr
Harper James F Jr
Harris Albert A
Hearn Norman G
Heffner Charles
Heffron Francis C
Heller Robert I
Hemenway Arthur L
Herb Julius D
Herr Jay R
Herring John L
Herzberg Lawrence
Hess Charles G
Hesser Ernest W Jr
Hetrich Warren K
Hettel Charles J
Hill Charles E

Hill Leonard
Hinds James H
Hobson John J
Hoch Eugene A
Hodges James S Jr
Hoing paul A
Holda Walter J
Holloway L. O. Jr
Hopkins John L
Horanzy Michael R
Houchins Vernon E
Howard Millard H
Howard William A
Hudson Frank C Jr
Hudson Leroy V
Hunter Clarence W
Hupp Howard T
Hurley John J
Icenhower John A
Ippolito Carl F
Jabcuga Anthony J
Jackson Howard E
Jackson Richard M
Jameson Joseph D
Jenkins David J Jr
Jenkins John C
Jenkins Stuart M
Jennings Patrick A
Johnson William
Johnson William E
Jones Amasa L
Jones Charles W
Jones James L
Jones Robert C
Jordan Richard T
Jordan Robert E
Joy John L
Juiris Alfred
Kachmar Michael
Kapple Jay P
Kay David C
Kays Robert L
Keener Ralph K
Kelly Raymond J
Kerin Frank W
Kilpatrick Chester M
King Joseph J
Klein Jacob
Kober George B
Koken Joseph J
Korell Walter H Jr
Kowal John
Kudlak Walter
Kurko John
Kuykendall Wallace
La Charite Norman J
La Faber Calvin R
Lampkin Jack C
Lang Fred W
Lawecki Charles C
Ledford Cleo H
Lee Lester W
Lee Yeun W
Lenzen John A
Leo Alphonse J
Lewis Lawrence J
Lindholm John M
Lingar John D
Lippman Seymour
Lloyd Cyrus B
Lockhart Lewis M
Lopez Louis
Ludtke William F
Lukacin Joseph
Lynn Alva B
Macchia Antonio F
Magee Eugene P
Marenna Pasquale M
Marsh George H
Matthews John H Jr
Maynard Benjamin T
McAndrews George T
McCorkle Coy M
McCoy John F
McCoy Lewis F
McCurdy Benedict G
McIntire Sylvan R
McIntyre Walter F
McWilliams Harold L
Mertz Leverne M

Meyer Sherman L
Michalowicz Florian B
Miller George D
Miller Leslie M
Miller Lester
Miller Robert
Milliren Donald W Jr
Mizerny Stanley A Jr
Mongoy Arthur P
Monnot Richard G
Mooney John T
Moore Johnnie D
Moran Albert J
Moran John S Jr
Morgan John D
Moses Robert F
Mouchette Horace D
Murray James E
Neff Carl W
Nelson John L
Ness John K
Newton Charlie M
Nickel Charles B
Nielsen Roger C
Novino Albert F
Oas Norman L
Ogren Harry L
Okane John L
Oliver Lat P
Pacheco Henry P
Pargulski Gerald J
Parker Ernest T
Pecsenye Joseph J
Pendel Anthony G
Perdue Jack M
Petersen John N
Peterson Edward J
Pettijohn Willis T
Pettus Calvin F
Petty Rodney C
Phelps Cecil J
Phillips Herbert S
Piechowiak Louis
Pierce Gilbert M
Pittenger Edward J
Poff Henry W
Postlethwaite Earl A
Power Edmund C
Pratt John C
Preissler Walter O
Quinn John H Jr
Rand William C
Regnier Gregory
Rhodes Norman T
Riccardi John A
Ricci Orlando J
Richardson Jerry D
Richardson Merrell C
Rizzo Ralph P
Rockwell John M
Rodgers Thomas J Jr
Rodriguez Ernest R
Rogers Paul W
Romero John
Romero John
Root John F
Ropp Edward
Rosencrane Harry M
Roy John D
Rutkowski John
Sanders Robert R
Sappington John H
Schaffer Stanley C
Schauster Delmar M
Schell Richard E
Schoonover Dale E
Schuerger Andrew
Serkes David J
Sharbaugh Leonard G
Sharpe Odell
Shary George H
Sheffield O. V.
Shelton William A
Shumsky Theodore
Siglin James H
Simpson Robert
Singletary John L
Sipnick Raymond
Sivertsen Alfred J
Slater Chester J

Henneke Fred R
Slayton Johnnie B
Slivka John J
Slyboom William E
Smith Buford E
Smith Chad W
Smith Jerry M
Smith Simon R
Sneed Vernon G
Snow John C
Snyder Arnold G
Spack John
Spencer Harry G
Spriggs Harry L
Stanfield Donald W
Stanley Cecil C
Stanley James H
Starr Lewis W
Steinberg Harry
Steinmetz Charles H
Stevens Richard D
Stickney Joseph W
Stonewall Addison P
Strunk Howard Jr
Strype George M
Suman James H
Sutton Theodore W
Sweeney John R
Swisher Alvin T
Swope Earl Jr
Terrant George
Theodoropoulos Stelois
Thomas Drummond B
Thomas William H Jr
Thome David L
Thurnher Erwin W
Toler Paul W
Tolle James R
Trimm John H
Trzaskos Leonard F
Tucker George A
Turrittin Richard H
Tyrell James W
Underwood Hugh S
Van Meter Vernon K
Van Pelt John F
Van Zant Billy W
Vapner Rudolph
Vaughn Charles W
Vaught Raymond E
Voge Helmuth F
Wade Guy W
Wagner Frederick
Walker Hayden D
Wallis Charles G Jr
Waskel Casmir V
Wasson Robert L
Waters Hubert R
Weileder Edward E
Wheatley Hubert A
White Albert J
White Billy B
White Theodore E
Whitney Donald M
Wilkinson Charles E
Willcockson Kenneth A
Willemsen Henry J Jr
Williams Harry E
Williams Joseph
Willker Alexander
Wilson Robert T Jr
Wince Manuel B
Windus Charles F
Wolcott Henry N
Womack Sollie E Jr
Wood Richard J
Worley Eldridge S
Wright Herman P
Wright Merle A
Wurm Joseph J Jr
Yapel Jacob F Jr
Yoder Paul H
Young John H
Yuslum Anthony T
Zachariah George T
Zaffran Eugene F
Zagurskie Theodore F Jr
Zarillo Joseph P
Zeback Michael Jr
Zunner Raymond L



Albrighton Weston R
Allen Charles M
Allender James L
Alt Arthur D
Appleby Ralph R
Axelrod Edward
Bannick Timothy
Barker Milford
Barnard John R
Barnes Ernest L
Barrow Charles F
Barry Leon F
Batdorf Hobart F
Bates James F
Bauer Kenneth F
Baxter Irvin A
Beall Archibald K
Beatty Dwight E
Beck Herman J
Belanchik Stanley M
Bell Dale E
Bero George E
Besky Leonard L
Best Norman E
Blackburn Walter H
Blakely Walter L
Blanks Howard E
Blassingame Cloyce N
Bockbrader Edwin W
Bodnar Peter Jr
Boehler Clyde R
Bogart Earl J
Bogart Perry S
Boothe Mark J Jr
Bosh Henry A
Boyd Francis E
Bricker Raymond F
Brinegar Junior R
Brister Raz

Brookins William E
Brown Earnest E
Brown Leon H
Brunty Willis
Bujan Raymond J
Burdette Louis A
Burdick Austin W
Burzi Vincent P
Busse Alfred F
Butcher Carl O
Butler Charles E
Campbell William H
Canner Bernard V
Cannon Bernard E
Carmichael Herbert N
Carpenter Robert L
Carpenter Victor
Chambliss Harrell C
Chandler Robert N
Christiansen Merlin A
Cline Junius H
Cockerill Robert E
Coe Leslie E
Cole George H
Collins Charles W
Comfort John R
Conrath Leon A
Conti James S
Cooper William D
Crawford Milton H
Creel Willard E
Cremeans Ralph C
Crocitto Dominick P
Culbertson Fred H
Cupryk Steve
Curtis Richard W
Dallas George B
Dattilo Frank J Jr
Davidson Ernest F

Davis Edward K
Davis Marvin
Deakyne Duane D
Dechon Harold E
Denman Jay D
Devenport Floyd M
Di Gennaro Anthony G
Dickerson James K
Diehl Russell F
Diehl Samuel H
Dietz Junior D
Dikeman Frank W
Dippold Arthur J
Dorner George W
Duggan Thomas A
Dunaj Richard L
Dutton Noah L
Dyer Charles S
Dyke Harry W
Eberle Franklin A
Ellis Robert L
Emmer Raymond P
Ervin William F Jr
Evans Billy K
Ferguson Allen J
Ferguson Frank R
Fick Robert N Jr
Fidler Ewing E
Fielder Floyd W
Fields Robert L
Finn Walter E
Fishel Lloyd J
Fisher Joseph O
Flathe George L
Flynn Arthur P
Fowler Milo F
Freer Charles O
Fulton Thomas F
Galyean Roy E

Gardner James H
Garner J. T. Jr
Garnes Willard B
Gaus Frederick E Jr
Geiser Walter H
Gibson Paul R
Gildenberg Isaac
Gilley Russell J
Gipson Jessie
Gisewite Clarence E
Goff Edgar A
Goodley Edward C
Graf Samuel K
Graham James H
Grandstaff James O
Grant Raymond L
Green Arthur L
Grissom Lawrence D
Gullette Charles R Jr
Habas Anthony
Haefner Albert W
Hagedorn Matthew W
Hallberg Carl O
Haller George, Jr
Hampton Edwin W
Harbaugh Lloyd E
Harbaugh Valentine E
Harnish Clarence J
Harper Eldon L
Harper Rupert E
Harris Joe J
Hawk Daniel F
Hawkes Arthur E
Hayes Charles E
Heck Morris W
Hedge Thomas A
Heffner Eugene C
Heinz Robert A

Henry Sherwood D
Heytow Jack
Hicks James H
Higgins John T Jr
High George G
Hill Charles E
Hirons Elwin F Jr
Hixson Wallace W Jr
Hoffman Raymond J
Hollschwander George Jr
Hooper Wallace J
Hornick Edward J
Horwitch Edward J
Howard George F
Hubiak Peter Jr
Hudson James E
Hunter Eddie C
Hutchins Fred D
Hutton Robert F
Ingo Clayton J
Irr Frank V
Ison Robert L
Jackse Anton M
Jackson Milton L
Jakubowski Stanley P
Jarabek John
Jones Archie W
Jones Charlie Jr
Jones Guy H
Jones Sampson
Jorgensen John H
Judd Fred L
Kaiser John L
Kaplan Sidney S
Keglovits Walter A
Kelley Paul C
Kemmick Edward J



Abshire William F
Alcorns Hubert C
Allen Carl L
Allen Dennis J
Bader Joseph P
Bangerter Perry E
Barrett Charles W
Barton Oscar H
Beck Raymond C Jr
Beckwith Jack C
Bellomy Bennie B
Bennett Earl V
Bennett R. C.
Berry Joseph A
Billington Lawrence M
Birmingham Edward L
Boardman Donald H
Boles Edwin V
Bonsack Gordon C
Bourn Ralph L
Boyd Gordon R
Brodehl Ellsworth E
Brosnan Jeremiah J
Brown Roland A
Bruce William M III
Budinsky Joseph J
Burkhardt Willard W
Cain Elbert B
Calder George H
Carlson Claus P
Carter Martin R
Champoux Walter L Jr
Chaney Paul D
Chiodi Ernest J
Chlubna Joseph K
Cipriano Michael A
Clarke Banks C
Clarke Francis X
Clesi Victor Jr
Cogar Arnold L
Conley Ralph V
Contakos Anthony C
Cook Charles E
Corrigan John J
Cox Haskel L
Crawford Charles M
Currie William P
Davidson William M
Dawson Donald M
Deshazer Arnold W
Devereaux James J Jr
Diehl Joseph H
Donahoe Robert J
Dunaway Ray F
Emery Allan L
Erickson Hildus A

Eser Boyd F Sr
Evert Eugene H
Farrington John W
Feltner Hubert
Fitzgerald Grover C
Ford George J
Frankel Felix
Friedman Albert L
Gastelum Richard G
Gettys Hugh M
Gibney Samuel B Jr
Gibson Theodore T
Gonzales Mateo
Graffunder Carl H
Greenberg Stanley
Greta William
Grezik George J
Griffith Mark G Jr
Gross William E
Harris Robert A
Harsh Edwin G
Hassell Lloyd M
Hayes Ronald B
Heidorn Edgar M
Hill John K
Hodson Robert W
Holland Elbert E
Hood Charlie E
Hyatt Hub GJackson James N
Jaffe Isaac A
Johns Edwin W
Johnson David C
Johnson James E
Johnson Robert E
Jordan Reuben J Jr
Katz Stanley
Kennedy Clarence A
Kinneer Huey E
Kirkpatrick Eugene
Kirwan James E Jr
Klick Robert L
Kokotovich Saul
Kosegi Joseph A
Kovacic Leo L
Kreider Paul V Jr
Kucera Ray J
Kudzia Walter J
La Butzke Ruben A
Ladriere Leon L Jr
Lang Merle L
Laybourn Roger W
Leming Elroy C
Ling Roger T
Linteman Grant K
Little John W

Locke Ralph E
Lopez Joe M
Lowman George A
Maassel Elmer
Malinoski John
Mallett Francis J
Marks Junior S. V.
Martin Robert E
Massey David
Mayer Edward A
McCleary Charles W
McCoy Houston G
McElroy Lloyd D
McGowan George W
McLaughlin Oscar B
McNamara Thomas J
Medisch Adam M
Merrifield Cecil A
Middleton Leon G
Miller George E
Miller James E
Miller Raymond D Jr
Miller Richard R
Miller Warren R
Minix Raleigh
Misenhimer Richard A
Mitchell Perry
Monastero Charles A
Mitchell Perry
Monastero Charles A
Morris James H
Morrow Thomas O
Mosten Jesse L
Mroczenski Joseph E
Mumford Theodore H
Murray Charles M
Musser Jack M
Nettrouer Dale O
Nickell Edward
Norton Raymond E
O’Brien John R
O’Hara John W
Oates Frederick Jr
Olson Chester I
Olson Dean H
Olson Floyd A
Oxford Gene L
Packer Eugene T
Pagliuca Victor D
Palombi John
Pape William A
Parmelee William H
Patton John D
Paul Darrell D
Paus Ormond W Jr
Peffer Stanley B

Perrone Philip
Perry James J
Petrasek William C
Petrowski Stephen M
Phifer James H
Pierce Charles R
Pierce Joseph E
Plevelich Steve E
Popek Frank J
Potts Charles E Jr
Pritchard Will N
Radford Deward B
Ramsey Robert L
Ray Yuland
Read David A
Reardon Paul F
Ricketson Harry J
Roark James B
Robinson Roy M
Rocha John
Rodahl Frederick R
Rogers James F Jr
Rokeach Samuel
Rose George E
Rose Lawrence J Jr
Rosenberg Morris
Rossman George
Rowland Loren E
Ruzic Steven J
Ryall Henry A
Sage Paul M
Salazar Michael
Sampson Frank H
Sanders Harold E
Sauborn Donald N
Sbornik Arnold L
Schmidt Gustav W
Schulze William A
Schwartz Philip F
Seeley Walter F
Sellers Burnell H
Shaffer Jack M
Shannon James P
Simoni Arthur R
Sims John G
Smark Steve W
Smith George F
Smith William F
Sorensen Arthur W
Spelich Thomas
Sperk Peter A
Spikula Vincent P
Squire Charles B
Staigerwald John W
Sterner Hobart E
Stewart Arnold D

Stollar Delmer R
Stott Oren W
Sturm George E
Swanner Orbie
Swenson Harold L
Sword Dean W
Szafranko Chester J
Taggart Gordon
Tanner Edward E
Tate Clenard M
Tate Oliver C
Taylor Charlie Jr
Taylor Thomas S
Tener John H
Tezak Frank E
Thomas David F
Thomas Herbert V
Thompson John K
Thompson Joseph L
Threlkeld Harry M Jr
Titus Richard M
Tomich Branko
Toney Emmett O
Tonker James H
Tryon William A
Tuck Wilcox
Turbett Albert H
Tutt Giles R
Vaden Robert L
Van Kooy James F
Vejil Alberto V
Volkert William S
Vose Robert S
Votava Richard J
Wadley Virgil H
Walker Ellis H
Walkey Harry J
Ward Irvin T
Webb Richard S Jr
Wiles Curtis S
Wilkes Wilbur A
Willard J. D. Jr
Williams Alvin G
Williams Raymond F
Williamsen Ensign B
Wilson Curtis
Wind Niles E
Woods R. B.
Woodyard Howard F
Wresinski Leo F
Yeaple Andrew Z
York Truman
Zamarripa Santos S
Zbornik Arnold L
Zegzutor Victor
Zeilman Francis E



Benjamin Earl W Jr
Critcher Carlton B
Flynt Marion Jr
Herpin Angelas

Hutton Thomas R
Kinchius Joseph J
Kingston Jack E
Le Blanc Walter

McCormick James
McNabb Lloyd R
Pappel Bernard A Jr

Rhyne Ralph H
Senich William N
Smalley William H

Smith James L
Volturo Philip F
Wood Elven S



Husted Bernard J

Slepian Herbert W

Strange Harold B



Brown Booker L

Di Gioia Ralph J

Hupp Donald H



Lewis Fred K
Nelson Harold A

Teachey Charles A
Tharp Walter H



Alexander Bernard G
Billman Edwin

Bright Hoye H
Stringfellow Russel

Wheaton Gerald E



Weaver Barton J

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